
I'm Christian Valdez

California Based Developer

About Me

I am a full stack developer from San Diego, California. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from SDSU in 2018. There I learned core skills such as data structures, dynamic algorithms, and the complexities of operating systems. I learned the fundamentals of Object-oriented programming languages such as Javaand C++.

Meanwhile in school, I wanted to learn about web and mobile development however, there were no classes on those topics offered at my school. So I decided to teach myself. Starting with the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, I quickly moved to Jquery and Bootstrap. For the backend, I initially started learning PHP and MySQL.


My Portfolio!

This very website you're on right now! Oringinally I built it with just html, css, and some js, but later I converted it over to a VueJS project. However I wanted to benefit from SEO and be able to still quickly modify components of my Portfolio, so I decided to convert it to a Gatsby site instead. I also setup a Github Action that builds and deploys my portfolio when I push changes to my main branch.

Coffee Tracker

A Coffee Tracker app made with React that utilizes the Yelp API to fetch coffee places based on a given location and help you find the best coffe shop near you. The user can see their rating, and address to the restaurant/cafe. It utilizes Netlify serverless functions in order to talk to the Yelp API.

Ice Cream BMS

This buisness management website was created as part of a school project. It was first built with Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL, it featured crud operations on various tables and custom validation. It was hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet using Nginx as it's web server. Recently I converted it over to be a React app using firebase as it's backend and hosted on Netlify.

Todo App

This Todo App features the ability to create collections of todos. Within each collection, a user can create, delete, and edit todos. This App also features user authentication using Firebase and form validation using Vee Validate.

Contact Me!

If you want to talk, you can find me at